Tag Archives: #active

Ways to LOVE rotisserie chicken, The Video

Ways to LOVE rotisserie chicken
…you knew it was coming…
I produced this video to share how to EAT healthy when time or options are limited,
especially in our go-go-go Northeastern Lifestyle. I care about you as my fellow human.
Health shouldn’t have to cost money. But, in this country-(Love-it), it does, every step of the way.
Follow the money…
I have to say a-“hello” here.
I myself, with many beloved colleagues are in the ever-so decadent WINE< food & beverage industry which itself, is life-threatening, BOSTON-NYC
The point is: digging in, getting to a middle ground to get to a health space for yourself, despite the day to day challenges.

I also show how to breakdown a chicken,
how to provide fresh chicken meat pulled-off-the-bone to add to your pets food intake.
and making an old fashioned chicken soup.

Love & good vibes
a grass roots in the trenches production.
WEB: www.gethealthywithlane.com
BLOG: www.healthcoachlane.com
#health, #healthylifestyle #nutrition #love #nutrients #macrobiotics #ayurveda
#macrobioticlifestyle #motivation #pets #pets #healthcoach #gethealthywithlane #wholefoods #wholefoodsmarket
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