Category Archives: Health & Wellness


weekly worksheet a la LANE

If you don’t take are of YOURSELF, who will?

Okay, Consider leaning a bit more towards a healthy lifestyle.
Do it out of Self-Love.
Pre-planning meals, buying ORGANIC-ORGANIC-ORGANIC to give proper nutrition to your body. FOOD as thy medicine!

(OPTION: Print up my Weekly Worksheet with a weekly meal planner: CHECKLIST LINK: )

It is a meal planner for the week & has 5 KEY HEALTHY Global Lifestyle Traits to keep in mind and add notes/make plans.
2) EATING RIGHT (meal planning and buying ORGANIC)
3) PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, You KNOW you need this!
4) RELAX TIME: Nap (5 minutes is better than a cup of coffee),
 meditate for inner peace,
5) SENSE OF PURPOSE: align yourself with yours daily and perhaps enhance others. Ask your parents or grandparents for their help.
Along the left & right sides of the weekly worksheet, there’s a list of foods to try.
I encourage you to do this out of self-love! I post this out of my love for humanity.

Lean towards health!

CLICK HERE to see my video for this: GAME PLAN to logically living a longer healthier LIFE

Love & good vibes,

blog site: https;//

#health,  #coach, #healthy, #logical, #logically, #Lane #healthier, #logic, #tweak, #tweaking, #healthy living, #longevity, #Blue Zones, #Macrobiotics, #Ayurveda, #gethealthywithlane,

Walking the Rail Trail

Entered the Rail Trail on the Abington side (on Monroe St) and walked through Rockland to Hanover and back. 2.3 miles each way
The entrance on Monroe St
The entrance to the Colby Phillips Property set up for Public use.
There is a Rail Trail Parking lot on the Hanover Side at 644 Market St.

So the rail trail is a great place to walk. It’s especially good during wet weather because it’s paved so it always clear. Walking, bike riding, even rollerblading.

The current end to the Rail Trail in Hanover-MA. I was told the Rail Trail will eventually go out to the Cape. That would be amazing!!!

GAME PLAN to logically living a longer healthier LIFE

GAME PLAN to logically living a longer healthier LIFE . A video that can support adding years of healthy active living to your life.

I just just just completed my video: LINK: GAME PLAN to logically living a longer healthier LIFE, 
which takes a logical look at our fellow humans past and present that have had healthy longevity. 
(from the dawn of civilization to modern day, holistic) 
The video identifies the core LIFESTYLE TRAITS & FOOD INTAKE CHOICES.
I care and I hope to provide you with meaningful content so you lean more towards health with making the Tweaks needed to support healthy longevity
This is a 3-Tiered Focus:
1) The BLUE ZONES are defined as 5 Regions in the World where their populations have and are slated to live longer than average.
2) The MACROBIOTIC LIFESTYLE is the focus the balance of Yin & Yang in all things in your life. It emphasizes fresh, local food, in season.
3) The AYURVEDA HEALTH SYSTEM. To maintain health,the body rhythms & systems have to balance with the rhythms of nature.

An option of the program is to download the free weekly worksheet which has a meal planner combined with a Healthy LifeStyle
Checklist to be downloaded at LINK:
LEAN towards HEALTH and think of health in an accumulative way. ADD some goodness to it.

Please watch and subscribe. I kicked off my channel seconds ago. Food, Travel and cooking videos to come!

Love & good vibes!
LANE Blog-Site / Website

#health,  #coach#healthy#logical#logically#Lane #healthier#logic#tweak#tweaking#healthy living, #longevity#Blue Zones, #Macrobiotics#Ayurveda#gethealthywithlane,

Lean towards HEALTH, follow me !

Human to Human, I got you !
Living in the Northeast is all about go-go-go, after all, it is where the term, “rat race” came from.
The first thing that tends to suffer is our self-care-self love.
Today, NOW! start treating yourself better.
I will be a voice to you, to lean you in a self love, healthy lifestyle direction.
I understand and have lived leaning towards health, middle ground health efforts and a more focused health approach.

AT LEAST, here and now: lean-towards-health in a proclamation of self-love.

THINK of health in an accumulative manner.

I am looking to work with everyone and will take you on a journey with me.  I got you ! I will share things that will lean you towards settling into a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
We will be cooking more, making sure we have the needed physical activity, adding creativity, being more social and focused on our relationships. 

If you want to take a more focused-health-approach, get on my 3 month, 1-on-1 coaching program

or for more fun,

get on a group coaching program with family or friends. You can menu plan together, cook in batches together as well as taking a hike, dive into a creativity by doing a project together…

I’ll get you there, given half a chance. The goal is to get you into your own rhythm, your own balance.

I work with most people after they have a serious health-incident and I help them follow doctors orders and settle them into a healthy lifestyle. If you know someone in need, connect them to me.

 It’s go time….

Love & good vibes,

LANE Blog-Site / Website

The most prominent health mentor in my life was my 100 year old Grandmother Flo. is a blog-site of

The most prominent health mentor in my life is my 100 year old Grandma, Flo.
She would say to anyone who asked “why she looks so young for her age”?
“I tell them I keep active and I eat right”.

She cooked almost all the time. We lived in Brooklyn New York. She would go to the store for her younger girlfriends which were nearly bedridden. She had the cleanest house because sweeping and mopping were exercise to her. She created a loving environment for herself by sharing the wonderful homemade Italian food she cooked, sharing with her family, friends and neighbors.
My Grandma Flo had the most effect on me in ‘my love of cooking”. She would do a 13 course Sunday Dinner every week, out of her love for the company of her family, friends and neighbors.

Love & good vibes


HEALTH COACH LANE, the blog-site of LANE:

Intergrative Nutrition HEALTH COACH

          My Integrative Nutrition HEALTH COACH Certification
I was focused on this achievement because I wanted to complement my physical fitness coaching background.
Proper Nutrition is the backbone of almost any wellness/fitness program, combined with other factors, some of which are outlined in my "Game Plan".
Everyone, as you and I, are unique, we will have fun with the journey of tuning in to your bio-individuality.
 The Institute of Integrative Nutrition's curriculum encompassed perfected innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques, elimination diets, body detox and over 100 dietary theories – Ayurveda, gluten-free, Paleo, raw, vegan, macrobiotics, and everything in between. Love & good vibes, LANE /

Independent Coach, Team BEACHBODY

I started coaching in 2009 after I gone on board with the original P90X. I found them quick, easy and effective.


P90X, P90X2 & P90X3 by Tony Horton for those seeking a higher level of fitness, complete with a
a comprehensive Nutrition plan with recipes.

21 DAY FIX & 21 DAY FIX EXTREME: by Autumn Calabrese is a very effective program for full
body fitness and is complemented by Autumn Calabrese nutrition program & portion control

INSANITY, by Shaun T., a 60 day cardio-based total-body conditioning program with an
"Elite Nutrition" & “Get Shredded” 14-Day nutrition plan

INSANITY, THE ASYLUM, by Shaun T,. a 30 day Sport Performance Program geared toward
Athletes looking to get to next level of fitness.

CHALEAN EXTREME by Chalene Johnson. A 30 day comprehensive free weight circuit training
Program with A very well done Fat Burning Food Guide

T25 by Shaun T., a quick 25 minute, super high energy, intense calorie-burning workout.
A T25 “get it done” nutrition book included
, Love & good vibes, LANE /

Cooking Instructor-Volunteer Boy Scouts of America-MA

Our goal was to expand the scout's horizons in cooking at home and at camp-outs.This was fun and the bonus was having some nice food to eat! Teaching them to cook forever.
We mixed it up, made it fun (chocolate spaghetti) and just wanted them to cook for themselves.
Love & good vibes, LANE Blog-Site / Website